World Wide Pet Industry Association
WWPIA® is a non- profit, membership-controlled trade association organized to represent its members and the interests of the companion animal and pet products industry. America's oldest pet industry trade association, WWPIA® serves more than 450 members including Manufacturers, Product Distributors, Breeder/Livestock Distributors, Suppliers, Manufacturers' Representatives and Retail Businesses.
WWPIA's mission is plain and simple: to promote responsible pet care worldwide. In other words, WWPIA® seeks to promote responsible growth and development of the companion pet, product and services industry. WWPIA® has a number of key objectives: (a) forging trade relationships that support and expand the industry; (b) supporting related organizations and their efforts to enhance the industry; (c) understanding and promoting the companionate benefits of animals to industry and consumers; (d) developing educational programs for retailers fostering industry communication; (e) promoting consumer education and awareness.
WWPIA® organizes SuperZoo®, the National Show for Pet Retailers. SuperZoo® brings together a comprehensive collection of exhibits and educational events unparalleled in the industry. Hundreds of exhibitors, important, exciting seminars and events that can unlock your future business success. The place to be in the pet industry is SuperZoo®!
World Wide Pet Industry Association
135 W Lemon Ave
Monrovia CA 91016
Telephone 626 447-2222, 800 999-7295
Fax: 626 447-8350
