Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council
Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC) is the unified voice of the pet industry, representing all segments of the pet industry:
* retailers,
* wholesale/distributors,
* companion animal suppliers,
* manufacturers,
* manufacturers’ representatives,
* hobbyist groups and other trade organizations.
PIJAC's Mission
PIJAC promotes responsible pet ownership and animal welfare, fosters environmental stewardship, and ensures the availability of pets. It is a nonprofit, service-oriented organization comprised of Members who care about pets and the pet industry.
PIJAC works closely with other industry associations such as APPMA (American Pet Product Manufacturers Association), FTFFA (Florida Tropical Fish Farmers Association), PIDA (Pet Industry Distributors Association), WWPIA (World Wide Pet Industry Association) and PFI (Pet Food Institute).
* Promotes and represents the interests of all segments of the pet industry
* Provides liaison with government and non-governmental organizations
* Monitors legislation and regulations affecting the pet industry at all levels of government (international, federal and state)
* Supports or opposes enactment of legislation and regulations in the best interest of the animals, the pet owning public and the pet industry
* Collects, analyses, and disseminates information of interest about the pet industry</ font>
* Promotes public recognition of the importance of pet ownership and the role of the industry plays in society
* Educates breeders, importers/exporters, distributors and retailers on responsible pet care and handling
* Educates consumers on responsible pet care
* Designs, publishes and establishes appropriate and generally acceptable standards of animal care within the pet industry and promotes recognition and adherence to such standards
* Sponsors seminars, lectures, symposiums and meetings
Membership in PIJAC is available to any person or firm involved in the pet industry. Join Now!
Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council
1220 19th St NW #400
Washington DC 20036
Via Phone: (202) 452-1525 / (800) 553-7387 (members only)
Via Facsimile: (202) 293-4377
Via Email:
