Pet Industry Distributors Association
Who is PIDA?
The Pet Industry Distributors Association, was organized in 1968 for the purpose of promoting progress within the pet industry and to conduct programs and activities on behalf of the wholesaler-distributor.
Our mission is to enhance the well-being of the wholesaler-distributor, to promote partnerships with their suppliers and customers, and to work cooperatively with other organizations in fostering the human/companion animal bond.
PIDA is a cosponsor of the annual Global Pet Expo each spring.
Membership in PIDA includes pet product wholesaler-distributors, livestock wholesalers, and pet product manufacturers.
PIDA also sponsors Pet Store Pro™ - a new web-based employee training program for pet retailers. Pet Store Pro teaches basic skills to succeed in a retail pet store:
* Basic pet care and maintenance
* Customer service and selling strategies
* Merchandising techniques
Convenient, easy and fun to use, the program is accessible from any computer with an Internet connection and suitable for online or offline study at the store or at home.
Make Pet Store Pro part of your employee training program to:
* Improve selling, pet care and merchandising skills.
* Build consistent staff expertise-and profits.
* Increase repeat business and customer satisfaction.
* Make your store stand out from the competition.
Pet Store Pro is completely free to pet retailers: No registration fee, no subscription fees and no advertising. The program is brought to you by your distributor partners and the Pet Industry Distribution Association.
It's easy to get started. Here is all you need to do:
* Go to
* Click Training Overview to learn more about how Pet Store Pro can help your business and for instructions on using the program.
* Or click Enter Site to explore available content and register your store.
For more information, visit or contact Stephanie Kaplan, PIDA's director of online education, at +1.847.644.0506 or
Pet Industry Distributors Association
2105 Laurel Bush Rd #200
Bel Air MD 21015
Phone: 443 640-1060
Fax: 443 640-1031
