Harris In Wonderland
Harris in Wonderland is your best source for freshwater and marine fish, corals and invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians, and small mammals (birds can be ordered, but we no longer carry them in the store). Returning to our strengths as a fish and reptile specialty shop, the store has expanded supplies for reptiles, amphibians, fish, and ponds. We now do pond installations and will build a pond on site, stock it with fish and plants, and help you with questions and even maintenance as well. Our recent expansion into on-line sales allows us to reach you across the country. So enjoy the site and let us know how we may help you.
Harris In Wonderland
41 E Main St
Avon CT 06001
Tel: 860 674-0160
E-mail: Adam@Harrisinwonderland.com; Seth@Harrisinwonderland.com