Exotic Fin & Feather
Exotic SuperPet is a full line pet super store, carrying all supplies and a vast array of livestock. Exotic prides itself on it's selection and huge stock of merchandise with less then 3% out of stock ratio on 11,000 items. Livestock includes one of Connecticut's largest selections of Tropical fish. Featured are Tropical fish from around the world, Marine fish and Invertebrates from every ocean, Goldfish and Poolfish, and we are noted for our selection of African Central and South American Cichlids. We always have a nice selection of Coral including Nano Corals. We carry hand fed Parrots, Finches, Canaries, Cockatiels and Parakeets. Rounding out the livestock supply is our large Reptile department and our Small Animals. For directions to our store click Map and directions
Exotic was founded in 1971 by Tony Patterson and Bill Parlee, the present owners. Bill is lead buyer and has been an accredited bird judge, having judged bird shows throughout the US and Canada for the past 25 years. Tony is responsible for all the technology that has made Exotic the industry's leader in Pet Shop design and operations. The Shop was started in an old tobacco barn in Bloomfield, moving to Burnside Avenue in 1976. In 1986 Exotic moved to Silver Lane Plaza in East Hartford. In 2008 we opened our new location at 842 Silver Lane in Plaza II, next to the post office.
We are proud to have Everett Collier as our Store Manager, he has a wealth of aquatic and reptilian knowledge and has been with us for over 15 years. Henry Beal is our Assistant Manager and has been with us over 9 years. He has a wide variety of knowledge in fish and pet products. Several of our other employees have been with us for many years. In addition to our fine staff, either Tony or Bill are in the store everyday.Wwe hope you will come and visit us soon!
Exotic Fin & Feather
842 Silver Ln Plaza
East Hartford CT 06118-1228
Tel: 860 569-0200
